CSR Activity | シー エス アー
Library Development Program 2013

On March 8 and April 12, 2013, Hoka Hoka Bento held a Library Development event, part of the CSR Department program which forms a form of the company's concern for the education of our future generations and their reading interest. This development was carried out in several libraries including SD Sapan 2 Bandung, Al-HIdayah Private Elementary School Bandung, SD Muhammadiyah 3 Ambarketawang Yogyakarta and RSUD dr. Moewardi Solo. The event was awarded and attended directly by Jerry Lolowang, a Child Cancer ambassador in Surakarta and was also attended by an Indonesian NBL Basketball Organization (Satya Wacana from LBC Angsapura Salatiga), President Director of the Solo Rotary Club Sriwedari, CSR HokBen Team, activist from Academy Academy Share Solo and Mr. IR. Herumanto Moektijono from Cil Cil Interior Design who also participated in the ceremonial event in the context of implementing Library development.